Courses in English - Testimonials from students

Lena Bäumler, Germany
I have taken multiple Courses in English so far, because it is important to understand English, do business in English and to have good writing skills.

Mike van Vlerken, Netherlands
At any engineering job at any company, there is going to be a colleague or a client who only speaks English. You work with everyone from around the world, so knowing English is really nice to have.

Logan Brown, USA
I am a native English speaker, but taking Courses in English has really broadened my horizon. The best benefit so far is that I have been able to work with people from a wide range of countries. In a globalized world, we are all interconnected and finding a course that allows you to interact with multiple countries, cultures and backgrounds is going to benefit everybody.

Tina Shtereva, Bulgaria
With Courses in English, you can be really involved in class: You can ask a lot of questions and give a lot of presentations. We have also learned how to approach people from different countries. This will help us when we continue with our careers - interacting with people from all kinds of countries in the same company.

Benedikt Schramm, Germany
Courses in English have improved my English, as I have to communicate in a way that everybody can understand it.
My main motivation to participate in this course was to hear different views on Germany, politics and other topics from international students.

Lakshan Jayakody, Australien
From my experience, the Courses in English are well-taught. It is a different teaching style, but I have been understanding everything so far - even though some terminology is also explained in German. It is quite nice to have a mixture of English and German words.

Emilia Goretzky, Germany
I have been working with a lot of English literature in my Courses in English - more than I usually do in my studies. My communicating skills have also improved, since it's not just small talk, but having to communicate in a somewhat professional manner.

Jon Ander Cantera Vergel, Spain
I have attended about 11 Courses in English this semester. At my home university, there are only a few courses offered in English.
The hardest part for me regarding languages is the speaking part and attending Courses in English has helped me a lot in giving presentations and explaining myself better.

Luca Guidetti, Germany
My motivation to take Courses in English was the International Engineering Certificate. I believe that a certificate like this can be quite attractive for job applications in the future.
I didn't have any difficulty understanding the course - the professor speaks very clearly in English, which has helped me a lot.

Angie Yuen, Hong Kong
I am used to speaking English - it is the official language at my home university. However, there are definitely differences in the teaching style: At home, we don’t have many discussions or ask a lot of questions. Here, we read articles and discuss the issue in class. The most challenging part for me is to process the topics and to come up with questions right away.

Carina Dengler, Germany
Taking Courses in English can be a challenge. In this course, there were no other German students in my project group, so I had to speak English all the time. But improving my English skills now is great way to be prepared for a work life that is becoming more and more international.

Mason Helseth, USA
I appreciate the opportunity to study in a different country and still proceed in my studies in my own language.
It has been interesting for me to hear the various accents and to see how different lecturers teach, depending on where they are from.

Michiel Vinx, Belgium
It is useful to know the English terminology of your subject, especially if you want to work for an international company.
The teachers of my Courses in English have been great: They are kind and really helpful.

Sophia Schultes, Germany
Since I have graduated from school, I mainly use English when I am on vacation. So Courses in English have given me the opportunity to practice my English and to expand my vocabulary.
Through Courses in English, I had the chance to attend the Global Sessions in Stockholm last year, which was really impressive.
CiE Coordination