Research areas at HM
diverse - innovative - interdisciplinary

The size and diversity of Munich University of Applied Sciences is also reflected in its research. In recent years, it has become significantly more important and has grown in terms of personnel and content with the help of the Federal State of Bavaria's High-Tech Agenda. The following areas are profile-defining for Munich University of Applied Sciences:
Applied natural sciences

Applied natural sciences are an important and wide-ranging field of research at HM. We present two research-strong areas below.
The joint research initiative in photonics deals with ultra-short pulse lasers, sensor technology and multiphoton microscopes.
In biomedical engineering, the focus is on understanding structure-function relationships in healthy and pathological tissue.
Research groups/Laboratories (selection)
Canter- Center for Applied Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

With our research, we want to find a contribution to solving societal challenges and actively support sustainable developments.
A central research topic at HM has long been the question of resource conservation in construction. In order to explore energy saving potentials for the energy turnaround, research must be conducted on topics of sustainable energy supply and resource-saving energy use. In addition, integral and sustainable overall optimizations must be developed in building technology. For HM, sustainability as a research topic also means focusing on social transformation processes in order to explore the prerequisites for a sustainable, smart and resilient society. For example, research is being conducted into how sustainable tourism can succeed or how new forms of work ("New Work") can be organized in everyday working life.
Research institutes
Research Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Neighborhoods (Cenergie)
Institute for Applications of Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (IAMLIS)
Institute for Materials and Building Research (IMB)
Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems (ISES)
Society, Health and Education: Research Center (SHE:RC)
Social, health and educational research

The social, epidemiological and demographic changes in our society are linked to a multitude of questions that have so far been inadequately answered. The increasingly complex structures of modern societies demand a more multi-layered view of old phenomena and a growing sensitivity to new forms of disadvantage. The central research needs, for example in gerontology, social participation in social work or within migration research, are identified in order to constructively and successfully shape social change processes.
Research institute
Society, Health and Education: Research Center (SHE:RC)
Machine learning

The research topic "machine learning" focuses on modeling and development methods as well as technology sets to support novel application possibilities and explore new, intelligent applications. Among other things, research is being conducted on networked intelligent transport systems, new solutions in robotics (e.g. assistance robots) and decision support for complex problems. Among other things, research is being conducted on autonomous flight at our Aerospace Flight Test Center in Oberpfaffenhofen. Remote sensing data are also used to study vegetation structures in the forestry sector or disaster damage. The scientists drive the development of AI core competencies and support research and technology transfer.
Research institutes at HM
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