The Munich University of Applied Sciences supports professors and employees in publishing scientific publications and consults on the challenges of academic identity management on the Internet.
More information (available in German)
Guide for scientific publications
The Open Access Publication Fund is used to cover publication fees for articles by HM professors and research assistants in pure (gold) open access journals.
Publication fund for research assistants
Publications in the context of a doctorate are supported by the publication fund for academic staff. The funding is not limited to Open Access. Proof reading is also supported by the fund.
Seminar program: scientific publishing
Courses and seminars on scientific publishing are offered on an ongoing basis as part of the university's promotion program.

ORCID is an open, non-profit organization by researchers for researchers.
Registration with ORCID offers every HM scientist an easy way to clearly identify his or her scientific achievements (articles, research projects, grants).
The Munich University of Applied Sciences is a member of the ORCID Germany Consortium. To make it easier for HM members to get started and work with ORCID, we offer workshops.
More information
Registration for the ORCID Workshop (registration form in German)
More information about ORCID on the intranet (available in German)
More about ORCID on www.orcid.org
Contact and support
At a glance
Templates and forms
(password protected, available in German)