Transfer of knowledge and technology
Research-based knowledge transfer is a two-way exchange process. Here, the application of knowledge enters into cooperation with practice in order to allow new products and services to mature as well as to positively shape social development.

The professors and research assistants at HM Munich University of Applied Sciences publish on a wide variety of topics. They are supported, for example, by having the publication fees paid for articles in pure (gold) open access journals or in the context of a doctorate. Support during the doctorate is not limited to open access. In addition, courses and seminars on scientific publishing are offered on an ongoing basis as part of the doctoral program.
The university bibliography lists the publications based on the networked ORCID records, which will be available here shortly.
More information (available in German)
Publication guidelines for scientific publications

Inventions at the HM Munich University of Applied Sciences are usually the result of commissioned research, collaborative research or the ideas of professors, research assistants and students.
The patent office of the HM Munich University of Applied Sciences registers and processes invention disclosures. Inventors are advised and supported throughout the entire patent process - from the submission of the invention disclosure to the possible exploitation and marketing of the patent.
Services and contact
- Patent application at the office (DPMA, EPO)
- Exploitation options for industrial property rights
- Marketing options for industrial property rights
- Founding a spin-off company in cooperation with SCE
- Third-party funding for research projects
For further information please contact:
Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Hiemeyer, e-mail

Start-ups and entrepreneurship
The Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) is responsible for the entrepreneurship activities within HM and works in close coordination with the university management and across faculties with the diverse actors of the institution.
More information (available in German)
Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE)
List of funded EXIST start-up grants and FLÜGGE start-up grants

Oskar-von-Miller-Award of the HM
Oskar von Miller is best known in Munich as the founder of the Deutsches Museum. In addition, he was a pioneer and early advocate of a versatile and practice-oriented education. The HM Munich University of Applied Sciences is committed to this attitude for an application-oriented academic education and honors outstanding achievements once a year in a ceremony, awarding the Oskar in the following categories:
"Excellent Promotion", "Applied Research", "Quality in Teaching", "Excellent Degrees" and "Partner of Practice"
Here we present all previous "Oskar" award winners in the categories of
"Applied Research" and "Excellent Promotion"
Year | Award winner | Oskar-category |
2023 | Prof. Dr. Andrea Kustermann Department of Civil Engineering | "Research performance" (measured by the number, diversity, and success rate of research proposals) |
2022 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph HacklDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology | "Most research-intensive new appointee" |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Christian SchweiglerDepartment for Technical Systems, Processes and Communication | "Research for climate protection" |
2020 | cancelled due to corona | |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Natalie EßigDepartment of Architecture | "Internationality in research" |
2018 | Prof. Dr. Rainer SchmidtDepartment of Computer Science and Mathematics | "Dynamic development of a research personality" |
2017 | Prof. Dr. Gerta KösterDepartment of Computer Science and Mathematics | "Research for the public" |
2016 | Prof. Dr. Heinz P. HuberDepartment of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics | "Visibility in the scientific community" |
2015 | Doktorand Daniel Stabenau und Prof. Dr. med. Herbert PlischkeDepartment of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics | "Applied research presentation" |
Year | Award winner |
2023 | Dr.-Ing. Martin Denk |
2022 | Dr. Benedikt Zönnchen |
2021 | Dr. Stefanie Kiderlen |
2020 | cancelled due to corona |
2019 | Dr. Stephan Rapp |
2018 | Dr. Karolina Engenhorst |
2017 | Dr. Carina Prein |

Networks and cooperations
HM Munich University of Applied Sciences has partnerships with other universities, non-university research institutions, companies and institutes to support and promote scientific projects.
For example, Munich University of Applied Sciences is part of the Union of Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS7), which specifically promotes scientific projects with an international focus.
In addition, HM is one of three universities in the INUAS network, which takes responsibility for key topics related to urban and regional quality of life.
As a member of the ORCID Germany Consortium, HM supports the use of a globally established standard for author identification that is recommended or mandatory by science policy and publishers.
To the networks:
UAS7 German Universities of Applied Sciences
European Universitiy Association (EUA)
ORCID Germany Consortium (available in German)
Transferstellen der Bayerischen Hochschulen (TBH) (available in German)
Beirat für Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation

The Beirat für Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation (FuEuI) advises the management of HM Munich University of Applied Sciences on strategic issues relating to research, knowledge and technology transfer, and innovation.
The FuEuI Advisory Board replaces the Beirat für Forschung und Entwicklung at HM Munich University of Applied Sciences, which was already established in 2009. In the University Development Plan 2018, the HM Munich University of Applied Sciences commits itself to research, development and transfer; tasks that have a targeted impact on the economy and society. This made further development necessary.
In the course of the university's strategy development, existing structures and concepts are regularly evaluated and consistently further developed. In this process, impulses from and advice by external experts from business and society with different backgrounds of experience regarding strategic fields of action of the university are of great importance.
Members of the FuEul Advisory Board
The FuEuI Advisory Board consists of six selected personalities from science, business and society:
Dipl. Phys. Dieter Lang, Technology Expert Light R&D, LEDVANCE GmbH, Garching
Dr. Georg Liedl, Managing Director KME - Kompetenzzentrum Mittelstand GmbH, Garching
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Netzel, Department of Automotive and Aircraft Engineering, Professor of Measurement and Control Engineering, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Sabine Pfeiffer, Chair of Sociology (Technology - Work - Society), FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
Dr. Piero Sciotto, Head of Oncology and Authorized Representative, Hexal AG, Holzkirchen
Dr. Rainer Seßner, Managing Director / CEO, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Nuremberg
Election / term of office: The term of office of the members is three years, reappointment is possible.
Contact and support
At a glance
Templates and forms
(password protected, available in German)