Storage Booster
Storage and Retrieval Machine Opens New Applications in Warehouse Technology and Material Supply
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Koether
Faculty of Engineering and Management
With the university-industry-partnership project a new warehouse technology is being realised. The concept was developed at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. It was applied for a patent. Experienced and well established industrial partners are going to design and build this warehouse system and will market it with the help of the first installation.
The innovative Storage and Retrieval (S/R-) Machine Storage Booster can change the rules in warehousing, because this S/R Machine allows
- to improve storage capacity and space utilisation,
- to expand handling capacity,
- to integrate warehousing into production lines, because the innovative S/R Machine can drive around escape routes, conveyor lines and aisles.

The innovative S/R-machine is guided by an upper and a lower track, which is fixed on the storage rack. A telescopic mast is used to access the bottom and top areas of the shelf (fig). The elevated tracks fixed on the rack enable two substantial improvements of warehouse operations:
- Storage Booster S/R machines can drive around obstacles in the upper and lower part of the shelf like conveyor lines or escape routes
- Two S/R machines can operate independently in one aisle, because they can pass with or without a load unit on the fork.
These improvements open new applications in warehouse planning, management and production:
- The dimensions of the warehouse (height, length, width) can be easier adjusted to the existing building development and building regulations;
- The handling capacity can be upgraded aisle by aisle, which allows to scale the handling capacity to the increasing demand;
- The warehouse can be integrated in the manufacturing or assembly area and integrates warehouse and in house transport to save space and to simplify storage and handling processes.
Running duration:
01.10.2018 - 15.11.2021
Funded by:
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Project executing organisation:
Project Management Jülich
Project Partners:
- Hager Sondermaschinenbau GmbH, Moettingen,
a very successful machine builder for special machines in automotive body shops - high bay warehousses GmbH, Siegen,
very experienced in racks for high bay warehouses - Hörmann Logistik, München,
the partner for individual Intralogisic solutions
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