<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> Research project - Storage and Retrieval Machine Opens New Applications in Warehouse Technology and Material Supply - HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Storage Booster

Storage and Retrieval Machine Opens New Applications in Warehouse Technology and Material Supply

  • to improve storage capacity and space utilisation,
  • to expand handling capacity,
  • to integrate warehousing into production lines, because the innovative S/R Machine can drive around escape routes, conveyor lines and aisles.

Source: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Koether, Hochschule München
  • Storage Booster S/R machines can drive around obstacles in the upper and lower part of the shelf like conveyor lines or escape routes
  • Two S/R machines can operate independently in one aisle, because they can pass with or without a load unit on the fork.

  • The dimensions of the warehouse (height, length, width) can be easier adjusted to the existing building development and building regulations;
  • The handling capacity can be upgraded aisle by aisle, which allows to scale the handling capacity to the increasing demand;
  • The warehouse can be integrated in the manufacturing or assembly area and integrates warehouse and in house transport to save space and to simplify storage and handling processes.

  • Hager Sondermaschinenbau GmbH, Moettingen,
    a very successful machine builder for special machines in automotive body shops
  • high bay warehousses GmbH, Siegen,
    very experienced in racks for high bay warehouses
  • Hörmann Logistik, München,
    the partner for individual Intralogisic solutions