Research Project - Biomass-fired Boilers with Condensing Heat Utilization by Means of a Sorption Heat Pump

Research Project

Biomass-fired Boilers with Condensing Heat Utilization by Means of a Sorption Heat Pump

Integration of an absorption heat pump (AHP) for utilization of the condensing heat of the flue gas of biomass-fired boilers (source: University of Applied Sciences Munic)
  • Thermal concept and layout of the heat pump cycle
  • Modification of biomass boiler for integration of the sorption heat pump and provision of driving heat for the heat pump
  • Design of the condensing flue gas heat exchanger
  • Development of conceptual details of the sorption cycle e.g. thermosiphon design of the desorber, verification in laboratory testing
  • Design of the sorption heat pump for low manufacturing costs and robust operation
  • Design and construction of the sorption heat pump
  • Erection and operation of a demonstration plant


Prof. Dr. Christian Schweigler Room: G 3.40

T +49 89 1265-1575
F +49 89 1265-1502
