Exams and Results
When you register for courses, you are not automatically registered for the examinations. So, please do not forget to register within the respective periods!
Registration period for:
- Winter semester:
Early to mid-November - Summer semester:
Early to mid-May
Examination period for:
- Winter semester:
Mid January to mid February - Summer semester:
Beginning to end of July
The examination period ("Prüfungszeitraum") starts after the lecture period. The exact start can be found in the German academic calendar.
The final grade of a module usually consists of only one grade.
There is no grade or „partial“ grade for attendance.
Most written examinations take place at the end of the semester during the official examination period.
In certain study programmes or courses there are also other forms of assessments or a combination possible (e.g. presentations, group works or seminar papers, art works)
Assessment types in subject areas such as architecture or design might vary. Some of these assessments may take place during the semester.
Please ask each individual lecturer of your classes how they will determine your grade.
Please make sure to bring the following documents to the exams:
- Student ID card
- Passport or identity card
- Matrikelnummer (number can be found on the information sheet "Zulassungsbescheid" you received during the Orientation Days OR on PRIMUSS)
Your teachers will inform you in case you need to bring more documents.
Exam timetables will be released shortly after the exam registration period.
Every department has its own timetable.
Please have look at the exam timetable list below.
Exam results are published online on:
February 14th* (winter semester)
July 27th* (summer semester)
*Dates may change due to weekends. Exact dates can be found in the German academic calendar .
Where can I see my results?
- Log in on PRIMUSS Online-Services
- Click "Announcement of Examination" (Notenbekanntgabe)
A Transcript of Records will be issued by the examination office no later than 4 weeks after the assessment period has finished. You can download your transcript in your PRIMUSS Account. HM does not automatically send a transcript to your home university.
For questions concerning the Transcript of Records, please contact the examination office of HM.