Center for Physical and Biomedical Engineering
Enrolling in a Doctoral Programme at the CPaB
At the cross-university Doctoral Research Center CPaB of the cooperating universities of applied sciencesHM Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM), OTH Regensburg (OTHR) and Nuremberg Tech (Ohm), graduates of physical-technical subjects can pursue a doctorate. Depending on the focus of the doctoral topic, which is either more strongly focused on the basic or the application side of this spectrum, either the doctoral degree Dr. rer. nat. or Dr.-Ing. is awarded.
The doctoral candidates of the Doctoral Research Center are supervised by professors with strong research skills from the cooperating universities and can take advantage of the breadth of expertise and numerous support and networking structures of all universities. In consultation with the doctoral candidates, the center offers a specialised accompanying doctoral programme. In addition, the cooperating universities of applied sciences offer a general doctoral programme.
You can download the following documents here:
Acceptance at the Doctoral Research Center CPaB
For acceptance at the CPaB, a written (digital) application must be submitted via docDaten
- A supervision agreement and an exposé must be drawn up with the supervisor,signed before registration and uploaded to docDaten. You can use our guidelines to structure your exposé.
- University degrees and the university entrance qualification must be uploaded to docDaten and submitted to the Doctoral Research Center Office of CPaB (HM) / OTH Regensburg for the original examination or sent certified. For a personal presentation, please make an appointment at (HM) or (OTH Regensburg).
- After successful registration, an application for acceptance (online form) is created by docDaten. This must be signed by the doctoral candidate and the supervisor and uploaded to docDaten. Furthermore, the data overview of the application with original signature must be submitted to the Doctoral Research Center Office of CPaB.
Contact:Dr. Tina Scheibe
The Center for Physical and Biomedical Engineering (CPaB) at Munich University of Applied Sciences is an interdisciplinary Doctoral Research Center that focuses on the use of current physical findings and methods for the development of innovative applications in the fields of biomedicine, sensor technology and microsystems technology. The intelligent combination of these methods results in physical and biomedical systems with previously unattainable functionalities.
The center's approach is based on the knowledge-driven approach of physics, in which technological or biomedical applications are developed from a sound understanding of physics. Methodological focuses include high-resolution microscopy, mechanical investigations, time-resolved spectroscopy and advanced data science methods, including AI-based approaches. A key characteristic of the center is that it covers the entire innovation chain from physical analysis and modeling to application in the form of functional samples and prototypes.
Doctoral candidates receive high-quality, interdisciplinary training at the interface of physics and technological implementation. Depending on the focus of the doctoral topic, either the doctoral degree Dr. rer. nat. or Dr.-Ing. is awarded. The research focuses on the application of the latest physical technologies to solve current problems in the areas mentioned and on the development of innovative functionalities.
The center offers a research-intensive environment with an established network of research institutions, industry and clinics, which enables practical research and the development of solutions for current social and economic challenges. In addition to specialist qualifications, doctoral candidates are also taught social skills in order to apply the specialist knowledge acquired during their doctorate in a solution-oriented manner.
The Center for Physical and Biomedical Engineering thus acts as a bridge between fundamental physical knowledge and technological application and offers a platform for research and development at the cutting edge of physical and biomedical engineering.
Professorial members of the CPaB
The CPaB comprises a total of 21 professors, 10 of whom are based at the HM, 7 at the OTH and 4 at the Ohm.
The members are characterized by their strength in application-oriented research, which is evidenced in particular by third-party funding and publications. In addition, all members are represented in key national and international committees and standards, some in management positions, and are directly involved in the practical implementation and transfer of the respective research findings through the expert networks they have developed over many years. In addition, many professors are active as reviewers in publication organs, conference organisations or for research proposals.