Hochschule München, International Office

To get the most from the company visits the summer school offers three attendant academic courses:
The Future Supply Chain Management course focuses on the challenges the currently quite successful German Supply Chains will be facing in the years to come.
The main megatrends relevant for these Supply Chains will be discussed in detail. The priorities for future supply chains will be elaborated and compared to the context of those markets the participants come from. A special attention is given to Supply Chain Risk Management as one mayor approach to deal with the growing complexity in the forthcoming years. Selected topics will be discussed with help of cases and on site during the company visits.
The Digital Operational Excellence course focuses on the concept of Operational Excellence of German companies as a basis for digitalization. A long-established axiom in manufacturing is “if you automate a bad process you just do bad bigger and faster.” Therefore, a special focus is given to analysing and improving processes in an industrial context. During the company visits the participants will have the opportunity to see not only selected Improvements at work but also examples how these improvements build the basis for successful digitalization and automatization. The examples and related project will be presented and discussed from and with the managers in charge.
If you get into contact with German industry, you soon will be aware that most players relate to industry 4.0 without having an exact idea what industry 4.0 is about. In the Industry 4.0 course the students get an overview on industry 4.0. They learn about the idea, the strategy, the goals and principles behind industry 4.0. Industrial applications as well as research results will be discussed.
All courses are taught in English by teams of two renowned lecturers from HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences: Prof. Andre Krischke and Prof. Jürgen Spitznagel.
You will receive 6 ECTS for (3 US credits) for the academic content.
Please download the complete course description here.