Scientific Work (compulsory module)

This seminar is the English-language counterpart to the compulsory course "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten". You will deepen your knowledge of scientific working techniques and receive impulses for improving your scientific work.
15.05.2025 - 22.05.2025
You will learn practical guidelines (tools) on the following topics:
- Practice of scientific work
- Work planning and self-management
- Requirements and formalities of an academic paper: quality criteria, formal structure, citation rules and systems
- The process of writing a dissertation: searching for topics and orientation, collecting and sifting through material, structuring / organizing, writing.
- May 15, 2025 | 9am - 5pm
- May 16, 2025 | 9am - 1pm
- May 22, 2025 | 9am - 5pm
T0.011, Dachauerstr. 100a
Please note: The compulsory seminar "Scientific Work" is the English-language counterpart to the compulsory course "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten". The English course is primarily intended for scientific staff and doctoral candidates with an international background who speak little or no German. Nevertheless, the course is also open to German-speaking participants. When registering, all participants are initially placed on a waiting list - international participants are given priority when allocating places. Two weeks before the start of the course you´ll receive a confirmation if you have got a place.
Lecturer: Martin Knab / Constantin Künzl