Prof. Dr. Simon Hecker

Fakultät 04
Raum: R 3.060
Adresse: 80335 München, Lothstraße 64
T +49 89 1265-3406
F +49 89 1265-3403
- Fach- und Aufgabenbereiche
Regelungstechnik und Mechatronik
Studiendekan der Fakultät
Journal/Book |
F. Hausberg, M. Plöchl, M. Rupp, P. Pfeffer, S. Hecker "Combination of map-based and adaptive feedforward control algorithms for active engine mounts", Journal of Vibration and Control, 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1077546315626323 |
F. Hausberg, C. Scheiblegger, P. Pfeffer, M. Plöchl, S. Hecker, M. Rupp, Experimental and Analytical Study of Secondary Path Variations in Active Engine Mounts, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 340, pp. 22-38, 2015 |
S. Hecker, "Linear Fractional Representation of Parametrized Models", Chapter 4 in "Modeling and Control for a Blended Wing Body Aircraft", M. Kozek, A. Schirrer, (Eds.), Case Study Series in Advances in Industrial Control, Springer-Verlag, 2015 |
S. Hecker, H. Pfifer, "Affine LPV-modelling for the ADDSAFE benchmark", in Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 31C, pp. 126-134, October 2014 |
S. Hecker, H. Pfifer "Generation of LPV models and LFRs for a Nonlinear AircraftModel", Chapter 3 in "Optimization Based Clearance of Flight Control Laws", A. Varga, A. Hansson, G. Puyou (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Vol. 416, Springer-Verlag 2011 |
H. Pfifer, S. Hecker "Generation of optimal linear parametric models for LFT-based robust stability analysis and control design", in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, special issue on "Applied LPV modelling and identification", Vol. 19, No. 1, 2011 |
S. Hecker "Improved mu-analysis results by using low order uncertainty modelling techniques", in AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2008 |
S. Hecker, A. Varga "Symbolic manipulation techniques for low order LFT-based parametric uncertainty modelling", In International Journal of Control, Vol. 79, No. 11, pp. 1485-1494, 2006 |
S. Hecker,"Generation of low order LFT Representations for Robust Control Applications", in Fortschrittberichte VDI, series 8, Nr. 1114, VDI-Verlag (Düsseldorf), 2006 |
S. Hecker, A.Varga , J.F. Magni "Enhanced LFR-Toolbox for Matlab", In Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 173-180, 2005 |
S. Hecker, A. Varga "Generalized LFT-Based Representation of Parametric Uncertain Models", In European Journal of Control, Vol. 10,No. 4, pp. 326-337, 2004 |
Conference |
M. Schreiber, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, D. Gerling, “Modelling and Reduction of Current Harmonics in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines During Active Noise Cancellation”, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (IEEE/ASME AIM 2022), Sapporo, Japan, 2022 |
D. Schubert, L. Angerpointner, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, M. Buss, “ Adaptive Compensation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter Nonlinearities in Acoustic Applications“, 5th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (IEEE CCTA 2021), San Diego, USA |
D. Schubert, L. Angerpointner, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, M. Buss, “Active Vibration Cancellation using a Multi-harmonic Controller”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Control Technology and Applications (IEEE CCTA 2020), Montreal, Canada |
M. Schreiber, R. Henneberger, D. Schubert, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, „Active Sound Generation using Electrical Drives“, 40. Wiener Motorensymposium, 2019 |
D. Schubert, F. Gärner, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, M. Buss, „Extending a Combination of Map-Based and Adaptive Feedforward Control Algorithms for Active Noise Cancellation”, IEEE International Conference on Control Technology and Applications (IEEE CCTA 2019), Hongkong, 2019 |
L. Angerpointner, D. Schubert, R. Henneberger, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, „ANC von tonalen Störgeräuschen im Fahrzeuginnenraum auf Basis korrelierender Körperschallsignale“, 44. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2018), München, 2018 |
R. Henneberger, D. Schubert, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, „ANC in nichtlinearen Systemen. Viel hilft viel?“, 44. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2018), München, 2018 |
D. Schubert, R. Henneberger, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, „Aktive Geräusch- und Vibrationsunterdrückung mit Hilfe elektrischer Antriebe“, 44. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2018), München, 2018 |
D. Schubert, R. Henneberger, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, “Active Sound Generation and Active Vibration Cancellation using Electric Drives“, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (IEEE AIM 2017), Munich, Germany, 2017 |
D. Schubert, R. Henneberger, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, S. Marburg, “Active Noise Cancellation in Passenger Cars Using the Electrical Power Steering Motor“, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (IEEE CCTA 2017), Kohala Coast, USA, 2017 |
S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, R. Henneberger, F. Schaschko, S. Schubert, M. Meyer "Akustische Funktionsmehrung elektrischer Lenksysteme, Teil 1: Möglichkeiten und Umsetzung mit Hilfe des E-Motors", 42. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2016), Aachen, 2016 |
F. Schaschko, R. Henneberger, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, S. Schubert, M. Meyer "Akustische Funktionsmehrung elektrischer Lenksysteme, Teil 2: Aufbau einer prototypischen Steuerkette für eine Sound Design-Funktion", 42. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2016) Aachen, 2016 |
R. Henneberger, F. Schaschko, S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, S. Schubert, M. Meyer "Akustische Funktionsmehrung elektrischer Lenksysteme, Teil 3: Experimentelle Validierung im Fahrzeug", 42. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2016), Aachen, 2016 |
F. Hausberg, S. Hecker, P. Pfeffer, M. Plöchl, M. Rupp “Incorporation of adaptive grid-based look-up tables in adaptive feedforward algorithms for active engine mounts“, 12th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC 14), Tokio, Japan, September 2014 |
S. Hecker, “Generating structured LPV-models with maximized validity region“, 19th IFAC World Congress, Kapstadt, Südafrika, August 2014 |
F. Hausberg, S. Vollmann, P. Pfeffer, S. Hecker, M. Plöchl, T. Kolkhorst “Improving the convergence behavior of active engine mounts in vehicles with cylinder-on-demand engines“, 42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Internoise 2013), Innsbruck, Österreich, September 2013 |
H. Pfifer, S. Hecker "LFT model genereation via L1-regularizrd least squares", 2nd CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (Euro GNC 2013), Delft, 2013 |
S. Hecker “LPV model generation for the ADDSAFE benchmark“, EU/IEEE Workshop on Industrial and Academic Experience in Aerospace Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Airbus, Toulouse, 2012 |
A. Varga, S. Hecker, D. Ossmann "Diagnosis of actuator faults using LPV gain scheduling techniques", in Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference (AIAA GNC 2011), Portland, Oregon, 2011 |
H. Pfifer, S. Hecker "Mixed Parametric/Unstructured LFT Modelling for Robust Controller Design", in Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC 2011), San Francisco, 2011 |
H. Pfifer, S. Hecker "LPV Controller Synthesis for a Generic Missile Model", IEEE Multi Conference on Systems and Control, Yokohama, Japan, September 2010 |
D. Ossmann, S. Hecker, A. Varga "Software Environment for Fault Tolerant Control of a Large Transport Aircraft", ICAS Congress, Nice, France, September 2010 |
S. Hecker, H. Pfifer "Generation of LFRs for the COFCLUO Nonlinear Aircraft Model", 2nd Workshop on Clearance of Flight Control Laws, Stockholm, Sweden, January 2010 |
H. Pfifer, S. Hecker, G. Michalka "LFT-based Stability Analysis of a Generic Guided Missile", AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2009 |
H. Pfifer, S. Hecker "Generation of Optimal Linear Parametric Models for LFT-based Robust Stability Analysis and Control Design", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Cancun, Mexico, December 2008 |
S. Hecker "Generation of LPV and LFT-models for the COFCLUO nonlinear aircraft model", Workshop on Clearance of Flight Control Laws, Siena, Italy, September 2008 |
S. Hecker, A. Varga, G. Looye "A Desktop Environment for Assessment of Fault Diagnosis Based Fault Tolerant Flight Control Laws", IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design (CACSD), San Antonio, Texas, USA, September 2008 |
S. Hecker, K.-U. Hahn "Advanced Gust Load Alleviation System for large flexible Aircraft", 1st CEAS European Air and Space Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 2007 |
S. Hecker "Enhanced symbolic factorization for low order LFT-modelling and improved mu-analysis for RCAM", AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, August 2007 |
M. Herrnberger, M. Heller, R. Paul, S. Hecker, G. Sachs "Advanced Uncertainty Modeling and Robustness Analysis for the Basic Flight Control System of a Modern Jet Trainer", AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA, August 2007 |
S. Hecker "Robust Hinf-based vehicle steering control design", IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Munich, Germany, October 2006 |
G. Looye, S. Hecker, T. Kier, C. Reschke, J. Bals "Multi-Disciplinary Aircraft Model Development using Object-Oriented Modelling Techniques", In Proceedings of DGLR Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress , Friedrichshafen, Germany, September 2005 |
S. Hecker, A. Varga "Symbolic Techniques for low order LFT-modelling", In Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005 |
G. Looye, S. Hecker, T. Kier, C. Reschke "FlightDynLib: An Object-Oriented Model Component Library for Constructing Multi-Disciplinary Aircraft Dynamics Models", In Proceedings of CEAS/AIAA/DGLR International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Munich, Germany, June/July 2005 |
S. Hecker, A. Varga, J.F. Magni "Enhanced LFR-Toolbox for Matlab", In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design (CACSD), Taipei, Taiwan, September 2004 |
S. Hecker, A. Varga, J.F. Magni "Enhanced LFR-Toolbox for Matlab and LFT-based gain scheduling", In Proceedings of 6th ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium - ODAS, Berlin, June 2004 |
S. Hecker "Generalisierte LFT-basierte Darstellung für Systeme mit parametrischen Unsicherheiten", 38. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, Februar 2004 |
S. Hecker, A. Varga "Generalized LFT-Based Representation of Parametric Uncertain Models", In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC), University of Cambridge, UK, September 2003 |
J. Mareczek, S. Hecker, M. Buss "Intelligent Switching Control of Nonlinear Non-minimum Phase Relative Degree Two Systems", In Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Seminário de Vilar, Porto, Portugal, pp. 985-990, September 2001 |