Prof. Dr. Georg Strauß

Fakultät 04
Raum: R 5.004
Adresse: 80335 München, Lothstraße 64
T +49 89 1265-3414
F +49 89 1265-3403
Laborleiter von:
- Fach- und Aufgabenbereiche
- Hochfrequenztechnik
- Antennen und Wellen
- Nachrichtensatellitentechnik
- Antennenmesstechnik
- Entwurf- und Optimierungsverfahren von Hochfrequenz- und Mikrowellenkomponenten
- Entwicklung und phasengesteuerten Gruppenantennen
- Electronic Design Automation
Mitglied des Fakultätsrats
Publikationen |
[1] G. Strauss and C. Spranger. Different inline transitions between rectangular wave guides and planar waveguides. In Microwave Conference (GeMIC), 2011, German, pages 1–4, March 2011. |
[2] G. Strauss and K. Breitsameter. A circular polarized tem horn antenna array with large scanning angle. In Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), 2011, IEEE, pages 98–101, January 2011. |
[3] G. Strauss, P. Ehret and W. Menzel. On-wafer measurement of microstripbased MIMICs without via holes. In Microwave Symposium Digest, 1996, IEEE, MTT-S International, volume 3, pages 1399–1402 vol.3, 1996. |
[4] W. Menzel, W. Schwab and G. Strauss. Investigation of coupling structures for coplanar bandpass filters. In Microwave Symposium Digest, 1995, IEEE MTT-S, International, pages 1407–1410 vol.3, 1995. |
[5] G. Strauss and M. Wolfgang. Öffentliches Statusseminar in Berlin des BMBF Fördervorhaben 13MV0224 — Systemtechnologien für Mikro– und Millimeterwellenschaltungen (MWS). |
[6] G. Strauss and W. Menzel. Millimeter-wave MMIC interconnects using electromagnetic field coupling. In Electrical Performance of Electronic packaging, 1994, IEEE 3rd Topical Meeting on, pages 142–144, 1994. |
[7] G. Strauss and W. Menzel. A novel concept for mm-wave MMIC interconnects and packaging. In Microwave Symposium Digest, 1994, IEEE MTT-S International, pages 1141–1144 vol.2, 1994. |
[8] G. Strauss, W. Menzel and F. B¨ogelsack. Improved transition from coaxial to planar transmission lines. MIOP, pages 96–100, 1995. |
[9] G. Strauss and W. Menzel. A new solution for MIMIC interconnects and packaging. PIERS, page 874, 1995. |
[10] G. Strauss and W. Menzel. Millimeter-wave monolithic integrated circuit interconnects using electromagnetic field coupling. Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part B: Advanced Packaging, IEEE Transactions on, 19(2):278–282, 1996. |
[11] Georg Strauß. Elektromagnetische Kopplung zur Kontaktierung von Millimeterwellen–MMICs. Vortrag im Daimler–Benz Forschungszentrum Ulm, August 1994. |