Prof. Dr. Thomas Bausch

Fakultät 14
Raum: S 312
Adresse: 80636 München, Schachenmeierstr. 35
T +49 89 1265-2128
F +49 89 1265-2108
Stundenplan und Sprechzeiten
Den persönlichen Stundenplan sowie die Sprechstunden finden Sie im moodle-Infoscreen der FK14.
- Fach- und Aufgabenbereiche
Destination Development & Management, Sustainable Tourism
Publikationen und Forschung
Bausch, T., Ortanderl, F., & Pröbstl-Haider, U. (2024). Rethinking growth orientation: Do ski-resorts’ strategies fit the profiles of today’s alpine skiers? International Journal of Tourism Research, 26(4), e2708.
Bausch, T., Schröder, T., & Osti, L. (2024). Reconciling neologisms and the need for precision in tourism epistemology. Current Issues in Tourism, 0(0), 1–14.
Jacoby, C., Kunze, V., & Bausch, T. (2024). Umweltbelange des Tourismus in der Stadtplanung. Umweltbundesamt.
Bausch, T., & Tauber, V. (2024). What pushes nature enthusiasts? A five countries comparison. In F. Niccolini, A. Cavicchi, I. Azara, E. Michopoulou, & J. Barborak (Eds.), Nature-based tourism and wellbeing: Impacts and future outlook (p. 264 pages). CABI.
Ortanderl, F., & Bausch, T. (2023). Wish you were here? Tourists’ perceptions of nature-based destination photographs. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 29, 100799.
Bausch, T., Schröder, T., & Tauber, V. (2022). What is to be sustained? The polysemy of sustainability and sustainable tourism across languages and cultures. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 0(0), 1–24.
Buschmann, D., Koziol, K., Bausch, T., & Reinhard, S. (2022). Adaptation to climate change in small German municipalities: Sparse knowledge and weak adaptive capacities. Natural Resources Forum, n/a(n/a).
Vollständige Publikationsliste Stand 08/2024