| Publikationen via Orcid
- Schlipf, M., Heller, N., Stegmann, R., Ehrich, S., Tipecska, C.: Launch einer Digital-Marke & Digitale Geschäftsmodelle im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau. In: mbl, Munich Business Lounge 01/2024. S. 40-43.
- Schlipf, M.; Keller, C.; Lutzenberger, F.; Pfosser, S.; Rathgeber, A.: Measuring life cycle costs for complex B2B products: A novel, integrated and practical methodology across disciplines for pricing maintenance contracts", In: Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 25, 2 (2019), S.355-375
- Schlipf, M.; Herzberger, P.: Anti-Piraterie-Strategie für Ersatz- und Serviceteile im Ma-schinen- und Anlagenbau. In: Ideen- und Innovationsmanagement, 43/02, (2017) S. 72 – 77
- Schlipf, M.; Bathurst, S.; Kippenbrock, K.; Kim, S.-G.; Lanza, G.: A structured approach to integrate MEMS and Precision Engineering methods. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Nr. 3, (2010), S. 236–247
- Schlipf, M.; Lanza, G.; Dietrich, E.; Schulze, A.: Heilsame Trennung – Separation der Messung in hochpräzisen Produktionsprozessen. In: Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit 55/10, (2010), S. 68-71
- Lanza, G.; Fleischer, J.; Schlipf, M.: Quality Assurance for Micro Manufacturing Pro-cesses and Primary-Shaped Micro Components. In: Microsystem Technologies, Nr. 14, (2008), S. 1823-1830
- Lanza, G; Fleischer, J.; Schlipf, M.: Statistical Process and Measurement Control for Micro Production. In: Microsystem Technologies, Nr. 14, (2008), S. 1227-1232
- Fleischer, J.; Lanza, G.; Schlipf, M.: Statistical quality control in micro manufacturing through multivariate µ-EWMA Chart. In: CIRP Annals 57, (2008), S. 521-524
- Lanza, G.; Fleischer, J.; Schlipf, M.; Kotschenreuther, J.; Peters, J.: Statistical modelling of process parameters in micro cutting. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 2, (2008), S. 15-22
- Fleischer, J.; Behrens, I.; Peters, J.; Schlipf, M.: Charakterisierung kleinster Strukturen. In: QZ Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit 51/10, (2006), S. 87-90
- Fleischer, J.; Lanza, G.; Schlipf, M.; Kotschenreuther, J.: Quality Benchmarking for Manufacturing Processes. In: Production Engineering Research and Development, WGP 13/2, (2006), S. 16-172
- Schmid, F. R. & Schlipf, M.: Gen-AI & B2B Sales – where to apply? A classification of the current applicability of generative AI along the B2B sales process with regard to different types of B2B-goods. In: 8th Industrial Marketing Management Summit. 15.-17. January (2025), Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
- Schlipf, M.; Mühl, M.; Einsiedler, M.: Who listens to whom? A logic to match personae from B2B selling to buying centers based on source credibility via quality function deployment. In: 7th Industrial Marketing Management Summit. 09.-12. January (2024), Leeds, UK.
- Schlipf, M.: Mind the Gap - An Analysis of the Gaps in Corporate & Economic Sustainability. Key Note Vortrag auf 16. BME-Wissenschaftliches Symposium "Supply Management", March 6–7 (2023), Mannheim, Germany.
- Bode, Christoph, Ruth Schültken, Matthias Schlipf (2023), “Everyone on the same page? The alignment of sustainability between top management and procurement,” Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik (BME) – Wissenschaftliches Symposium "Supply Management" 2023 (16th) (March 6–7). Mannheim, Germany.
- Schültken, R.; Bode, C.; Schlipf, M.: Lack of intentions or actions? Analysis of the sustainability-related intention action gap. 33rd Annual POMS-Conference, (2023), Orlando, FL.
- Schültken, R.; Bode, C.; Schlipf, M.: Words without deeds and deeds without words: An initial empirical analysis of the intention action gap in corporate sustainability. IPSERA 2023: 32nd Conference of the International Purchasing and Supply Educa-tion and Research Association, (2023), Barcelona, Spain.
- Schültken, Ruth, Christoph Bode, Matthias Schlipf (2022), “Mind the Gap: An Initial Empirical Analysis of the Intention-Action Gap in Corporate Sustainability,” Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals Academic Research Symposium (CSCMP ARS) 2022 (September 17–18). Nashville, USA.
- Watson M., Da Fieno P., Schlipf M., Weindl S., Glas J., Mueller L., Steffens E., Aspin J., McCarthy A., Paradowski, E.: Holistic Approach to the Optimised Design of Marine Hybrid Power Solutions for Workboat Applications. In 25th International Tug, Salvage & OSV Convention and Exhibition (ITS), Marseille, Juni 25.-29. (2018), Day 2, Paper 2, S.1-14
- DaFieno, P.; Chelli, E.; Friedrich, B.; Schlipf, M., Watson, M.: Missioncentric Design of hybrid propulsion systems for multi-purpose naval vessels. In PACIFIC Conference, Sydney 3rd- 5th October (2017)
- Schlipf, M.; Watson, M.: Engine Remote Monitoring - Bridging the technology gap be-tween Tugboat operations and other industries. In Tugnology Conference Rotterdam, Mai 23./24. (2017), Day 1, Paper 5, S.1-8
- Fleischer, J.; Lanza, G.; Kotschenreuther, J., Deuchert, M.; Schlipf, M.; Smiljkovic, S.: Model based Control of Surface Quality with regard to Micro Cutting Processes. In: Conference proceedings of the 3rd CIRP International Conference on High Perfor-mance Cutting, Dublin, (2008), S.775-784
- Lanza, G.; Fleischer, J.; Schlipf, M.: Qualitätssicherung für Mikrofertigungsprozesse und urgeformte Mikrobauteile. In: Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Sonderforschungsbereich 499, Karlsruhe 22./23.11. (2007), S.121-127
- Fleischer, J.; Schlipf, M.; Deuchert, M.; Dieckmann, A.-M.: Process Chain for the Manufacturing of Micro Mechanical Parts and Molds, Key-Note-Presentation. In: Con-ference Proceedings 7th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN), Bremen, (2007), S. 177-180
- Fleischer, J.; Schlipf, M., Behrens, I.; Peters, J.: Aspects of estimating CMM measure-ment uncertainty for micro parts with respect to similarity requirements and influences of manufacturing processes. In: Conference Proceedings 7th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN), Bremen, (2007), S. 349-352
- Fleischer, J.; Lanza, G.; Schlipf, M.; Kotschenreuther, J.; Peters, J.: Process parameter analysis on surface roughness and process forces in micro cutting. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacturing, Grenoble, (2006), S. 289-292
- Fleischer, J.; Lanza, G.; Schlipf, M.: Statistical Quality Assurance in High Precision En-gineering. In: Conference Proceedings 6th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN), Baden bei Wien, (2006), S. 430-433