University of
Applied Sciences
Engineering Physics and Data Science (B.Sc.)
Handle the physics of the future: Become an expert in technological innovation with Engineering Physics and Data Science.
The language of instruction in all modules is English.
In this degree program, you will learn everything you need to be able to work as a physics engineer or data scientist later on.
The language requirements are B2 in English and A2 in German, the latter must be proven by the end of the second semester at the latest.
- Abschluss
- Bachelor
- Studienart
- Vollzeit
- Fakultät/en
- FK06
- Studienbeginn
- Wintersemester
- Regelstudienzeit
- 7 Semester (Vollzeit)
- Zu erreichende ECTS
- 210 ECTS-Punkte
- Studienort
- Campus Lothstraße, 80335 München
- Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
- General higher education entrance qualification
- Advanced technical college entrance qualification
- Subject-specific higher education entrance qualification
- Entry from the profession Graduates of a further vocational training examination (master craftsmen, technicians and equivalent)
- Professionally qualified persons (at least two years of vocational training in a field related to the desired course of study followed by at least three years of full-time professional experience in a field related to the desired course of study, plus passing a university entrance examination)
- English language B2, German Language A2, the latter must be proven by the end of the second semester at the latest.
- Zulassungsmodus
- zulassungsbeschränkt
- Hauptunterrichtssprache
- Englisch
- Doppelabschluss
- nicht möglich
- Auslandsaufenthalt
- -
- Semestergebühren (aktuell laufendes Semester)
- Grundbeitrag für das Studierendenwerk 85,00 Euro
Studienberatung - Student Advisory Service
Engineering physics is the application of physics to real life processes and products. Besides physics, a large and ever increasing number of modern product and processes heavily rely on large amounts of data and numerical simulations to work.
The combination of Physics, Data Science and numerical simulations skills has become necessary for modern technology development, therefore opening bright career opportunities for you.
The course comprises six theory semesters and one practical semester. It ends with a four month Bachelor's thesis, which is usually completed in a company or at a research institute.
The practical semester can be completed totally abroad.
A study visit to a university abroad is also possible in the 6th or 7th semester.
Students on this degree program
brings along:
Enthusiasm for natural phenomena
enjoy the application of physical knowledge
Creative with technology
Curious about future topics
Enjoys computer work
Solving challenges and problems with the help of technology
fights his way through:
Measurement data, mathematical methods
With applications at focus, your bachelor program includes both internships and a bachelor thesis in collaboration with our industrial partners and research institutes.
This gives you an early contact with industrial or research setups and let you gather experience in your future working field.
Fields of Activity i.e.:
- Technology research & development
- Product design and engineering
- Development of manufacturing and measuring processes
- Analysis, quality assurance and technology marketing
Further information can be found directly on the homepage of the bachelor's program at https://hm.edu/physics-data
or in English here
Physics teaches the basics - that is, you learn how things move (mechanics), how electricity works (electrodynamics), what heat actually is (thermodynamics) and what happens in the world of the tiniest particles (quantum physics).
You will learn how to deal with a lot of information (data) and how to use machine learning to design technological innovations. This involves understanding and evaluating (very) large amounts of data, which helps to find patterns and solutions to complex problems.
In addition, methodological knowledge in data science is taught, which usually includes the analysis and processing of large amounts of data using statistical methods, machine learning and computational science.
More in-depth areas, such as developing new materials, researching acoustics and light (photonics), understanding chips and electronic components (semiconductor technology) or working with renewable energies, which are of particular interest to you, are offered in the form of electives in the 6th and 7th semesters, which you can immerse yourself in.
At the end of this Bachelor's degree program, you will be able to develop solutions independently and take on key tasks in your future career as a physics engineer or data scientist.
So after successfully completion of your bachelor of science (B.Sc.) you will be able to work as at the very interface between research and technology.
We regularly offer online information sessions for prospective students. The dates can be found on the homepage of the degree program: https://hm.edu/physics-data
Here you will also find all information around the welcome events for first semester students.
The language of instruction in all modules is English.
The prerequisite is a university entrance qualificationrecognized in Bavaria.
The language requirements are B2 in English and A2 in German, the latter must be proven by the end of the second semester at the latest.
For more information see: www.hm.edu/bewerberinfo
Admitted students will receive further information on enrollment with their letter of admission.
Homepage of the Department:
Department of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics
Further information at homepge of the degree programm (in English):
Kontakte - Contact
Zentrale Studienberatung
Studieninformation in der Lothstraße 34
T +49 89 1265-1121
Virtuelle Studieninformation
Online-Studienberatung und Terminvereinbarung
Raum A 33/34
T +49 89 1265-5000
Kontaktdetails und Anfahrt
Raum A 31
T +49 89 1265-1275, +49 89 1265-1497, +49 89 1265-1347
Kontaktdetails und Anfahrt
Prüfung und Praktikum
Sie studieren schon an der Hochschule München und haben Fragen zu Prüfungen oder Praktikum? Dann nutzen Sie bitte die Seite www.hm.edu/pruefung-praktikum
»Hör mal rein« - The podcast of the Student Advisory Service - Episode 25: Engineering Physics and Data Science